
Please see regular branch programming on the


Amy Bucher Amy Bucher

Speaker Series to Celebrate the 250th Anniversary of the Bunker Hill Monument

Please join the Friends of the Charlestown Public Library in partnership with the Bunker Hill Monument Association, for a series of free lectures celebrating the 250th anniversary of the Bunker Hill Monument.

All talks will be held at the Charlestown Brand Library, 179 Main Street, and are open to all.

Patriarch and Prophet - Keith Stokes

Thursday, April 3, 6:00 p.m.

Keith Stokes joins us to lecture on his ancestor, Judah Touro. Touro was the hazzan, a role similar to a cantor, at the Touro Synagogue in Newport, Rhode Island beginning in 1762. Among his many charitable works was contributing to the construction of the Bunker Hill Monument. Stokes, a descendant of Touro and his Black house woman, will describe how a Jew from Newport and New Orleans joined with a Protestant Brahmin to ensure the monument was built.

Lafayette In America - Alan Hoffman

Thursday, April 10, 6:00 p.m.

Join Alan Hoffman, president of the Massachusetts Lafayette Society and author of the book Lafayette in America in 1824 and 1825, on a deep dive into the connection between Gilbert du Motier (better known as the Marquis de Lafayette) and the Bunker Hill Monument. Learn about the Marquis’ activities from 1777 to 1781 during the Revolutionary War, and how he laid the cornerstone of the Bunker Hill Monument during his grand tour of the United States to mark the 50th anniversary of the Revolution.

Lady Editor - Melanie Kirkpatrick

Thursday, May 15, 6:00 p.m.

Melanie Kirkpatrick, biographer and author of Lady Editor: Sarah Josepha Hale and the Making of the Modern American Woman, joins us to discuss Mrs. Hale’s patriotic and feminist work. Learn about the famous bake sale that raised funds for the completion of the Bunker Hill Monument!

The Bunker Hill Monument

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Amy Bucher Amy Bucher

Recording: 2024 Holiday Concert

Thank you to everyone who attended the holiday concert at St. Mary’s of Siena on December 8! For those who missed it, please enjoy a recording of the beautiful music from the Beatrice MasterSingers.

YouTube video of the Beatrice MasterSingers - for sharpest results, select "4K" on the gear icon.

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Amy Bucher Amy Bucher

Join Us for a Free Holiday Concert on Sunday December 8 at 3pm

St. Mary-St. Catherine of Siena Parish and the Friends of the Charlestown Library announce a Holiday Concert on Sunday, December 8th at 3:00 at St. Mary’s Church, 55 Warren Street. Please join us to bring in the holiday season with festive music in a beautiful setting!

St. Mary’s Church in Charlestown

The concert is free with a suggestion of donations to Harvest on Vine Food Pantry.

The Beatrice MasterSingers will present an hour-long program of familiar holiday songs and innovative new arrangements. Founded by Artistic Director Stephanie Beatrice to bring a unique level of vocal artistry to the presentation of choral music, The Beatrice MasterSingers, a distinguished 24 member ensemble within the Dee Opera Company, is dedicated creating a profound listening experience rooted in the fundamentals of choral artistry. They will be accompanied by Heinrich Christensen, Music Director of King’s Chapel, on St. Mary’s historical Woodberry and Harris organ, in place since the church was consecrated in 1892.

Stephanie Beatrice, artistic director of the Beatrice MasterSingers

St. Mary Church, 55 Warren Street

(617) 242-4664

Accessible entrance available

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Amy Bucher Amy Bucher

Celebrating Maureen Marx! June 27, 2024

Please join the Friends to celebrate our retired branch librarian, Maureen Marx, and her 45 years of dedicated service, friendship and

advocacy for Charlestown.

Two smiling women looking at different angles to the camera

It’s Maureen’s turn! (Maureen Marx, left, with 2022 Friend of the Year, Rosemary Kverek)

Thursday, June 27

5:45 pm: Friends’ Annual Meeting (open to all active members)

6 -6:45 pm doors open with music performance

6:45 – 7:45 pm ceremony

This tribute includes Maureen’s kind of rocking music performance with Blues guitarist/singer/songwriter Ryan Lee Crosby accompanied by world music/jazz/classical percussionist Grant Smith.

The Friends' Annual Meeting precedes the event at 5:45 pm; all active members are invited to attend.

Charlestown Public Library

179 Main Street, Charlestown

free and open to the public

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Amy Bucher Amy Bucher

Giant Spring Book Sale Starts May 9!

Presented by the Friends of the Charlestown Branch of the Boston Public Library

at the Charlestown Public Library

179 Main Street, Charlestown


Thursday, May 9 • 5-7:30 pm

* for dues-paying Friends of the Charlestown Public Library

Friends save 50% throughout the sale.

Not a Friend? Join today! (Annual Friendship Dues: $25 Family, $15 Adult, $10 Senior)


Friday, May 10, 10-4:30 • Saturday, May 11, 10-4:30

Last Call: Monday, May 13, 11-5:30

Hundreds of titles📚 for adults, young adult, children

Great selection of DVDs and CDs. 💿

Cash, check, and Venmo accepted.

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Amy Bucher Amy Bucher

Dance Music of the Germania Musical Society Concert Recap

Thank you to those who were able to join us on March 3 for Psychopomp’s wonderful performance of the Dance Music of the Germania Musical Society. If you missed the event, please enjoy the recording of the concert and the review in the Boston Music Intelligencer.

Full length recording of Psychopomp performance March 3, 2024.

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News Amy Bucher News Amy Bucher

Charlestown's Little Free Libraries in the Boston Globe

The Friends were proud to see our Little Free Libraries featured in a February 6, 2024 Boston Globe article. We began supporting this initiative during the COVID-19 pandemic to ensure continued access to reading materials and a sense of normalcy in our community. We maintain two Little Free Libraries (one near the Harvest on Vine food pantry and one by Charlestown High School) and hope to expand this initiative elsewhere in Charlestown.

The Little Free Library at the Harvest on Vine food pantry at 49 Vine Street in Charlestown.

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Events Amy Bucher Events Amy Bucher

Dance Music of the Germania Musical Society - March 3, 2024

The Friends of the Charlestown Public Library are proud to co-sponsor Dance Music of the Germania Musical Society on Sunday, March 3, 2024, at 3 pm. The concert will be held at St. John’s Church, 27 Devens Street in Charlestown, and will feature the Psychopomp Ensemble duo-pianists Xiaopei Xu and Chi-Wei Lo. The concert is free and open to all.

Learn more about the historical significance of the Germania Musical Society in a recent article by Friend Lee Eiseman.

Chi-Wei Lo and Xiaopei Xu of the Psychopomp Ensemble

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Amy Bucher Amy Bucher

Join our Annual Meeting followed by an author talk on Edward W. Brooke

Please join us for a talk and slide presentation by historian and author Alan R. Earls on the fascinating life of Senator Edward W. Brooke, trailblazer and pioneer.

The talk will be preceded by a brief Annual Board Meeting of the Friends of the Charlestown Branch Library, free and open to all.

Thursday, June 22

Annual meeting of the Friends of the Library: 6 p.m.

Author talk: 6:30 p.m.

Charlestown Public Library, 179 Main Street, Charlestown

For more information:,, 617-242-1248.

Wheelchair accessible; conveniently located near public transportation.

The talk is hosted by the Charlestown Branch of the Boston Public Library and Communities Matter! A brief annual board meeting of the Friends of the Charlestown Branch Library will precede the talk. The event, including the annual meeting of the Friends of the Library, is free and open to all.

Local historian and author, Alan R. Earls, will present his compelling and informative talk and slide presentation covering Edward W. Brooke’s fascinating life. As the first black popularly-elected U.S. Senator in U.S. history, Senator Brooke made a lasting impact during the Civil Rights era and beyond.

The brief Annual Board Meeting of the Friends of the Charlestown Branch Library, to be held right before the Edward W. Brooke talk, is also open to all as well. The following Board officers will be reinstated: Christine Amisano (President), Elizabeth Clifford (Recording Secretary), Lee Eiseman (Treasurer), Lynne Benson (Membership Secretary), and Directors: Amy Bucher, Mary Curtin, Crystal Galvin, Sophia Moon.

Further background:
Edward William Brooke III (October 26, 1919-January 3, 2015) was an American lawyer and politician who represented Massachusetts in the United States Senate from 1967 to 1979. A member of the Republican Party, he was the first African American elected to the United States Senate by popular vote. Prior to serving in the Senate, he served as the Attorney General of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts from 1963 until 1967.

Alan R. Earls is a Boston-area writer and author who has covered high-tech innovation for more than thirty years. He has authored or edited several books on innovative Boston-area enterprises such as Polaroid, Digital Equipment Corporation, and Raytheon. Earls is editor of the Franklin Observer.

On January 7, 1862, the Charlestown Public Library, as it was then known, opened in the Warren Savings Bank with 6,000 volumes. Since then, the Branch has moved three times, first moving in 1869, to more spacious quarters in the newly built City Hall located in Charlestown’s City Square. In 1913, the Branch relocated to the corner of Monument Square and Monument Avenue. It has been in its current location since 1970.

Communities Matter!’s mission is to engage, educate, and connect with communities through programs, presentations, displays, and organized group socials.

The Friends of the Charlestown Branch of the Boston Public Library was formed in 1953, becoming the second Friends group to organize within the Boston Public Library system. As a non-profit organization, the Friends schedule four to six evening adult programs per year, helps to support programs for children held during the day, and maintains the library’s landscaping. The mission of the Friends remains today what it was in 1953: to serve as an advocacy and support group for the needs of the Charles

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